Corps Battle School (CBS) Sarol imparts unique pre-induction training (PIT) to professionally trained soldiers, who have joined the operational theater of 16 Corps Zone.
Situated in foothills of Pir Panchal range and spread in several acres, the school has carefully-designed grounds simulating forests, hills, aquatic and rocky terrain as well as IED-infested craggy pathways and impromptu villages.
“The advent of insurgency and the increase in the rate of casualties of army personals necessitated a decision to impart centralised training to all units inducted into 16 Corps Zone,” an army office told The North Lines on anonymity.
He added that 16 Corps Zone had become an active ground for militant operations and a large number of troops being involved in counter Insurgency and Counter militancy-operations so a need was felt to have an organisation, which could train troops for the role in the new environment.
“In the school, troops are made aware about level of instruction and complexity in the 16 Crop Zone,” he said.
“Teaches nuances of counterinsurgency operations, human-rights violations, and ways to avoid collateral damage, the school induce confidence in the men on arrival in the operational area prior to being deployed in the area of responsibility,” he added.
CBS, Sarol is prestigious, military establishment and have been training large number of troops including jawans and officers varying from 24,000 to 30,000 annually, posted in 16 crop Zone,” said Lt Col Manish Mehta, Defence spokesperson.
“Training at Corps Battle School, Sarol is unique, scientific and innovatively designed so as to enhance the fighting skills for the junior leader and individual soldier,” said he said at any given time there are 1400 to 1600 troops undergoing training.
“Besides other combat training, troops in the school are also trained to Counter IED operations, he said, adding, “He said that during training special focus were given to avoid collateral damage of any kind.”
“Drills and procedures to neutralise an IED are diligently taught to the troops with the underlying aim of no collateral damage especially in conduct of such operations in vicinity of civil habitat,” he said.
He said that School, is well equipped with a sprawling campus comprising battle obstacle training course, Burma bridge, small firing ranges and simulated jungle tracks fitted with improvised explosive devices (IED).
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