Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar as scheduled , departed on a 4 day visit to the U.S. Signing for the long pending Logistic Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) will be main top agenda of the visit.
“The two governments are also likely to continue discussing strategic topics ranging from climate change cooperation, national security and counter-terrorism, priorities in the Indian Ocean region as well as top economic priorities such as positioning U.S. companies for success at the sub-national level. In particular, the commercial track of the dialogue will continue to see heightened focus on ease of doing business, the U.S.-India partnership on tourism, developing a digital infrastructure, and roundtables on infrastructure and clean energy,” said Mukesh Aghi, president, USIBC (US India Business Council).
India will also aim to get armed drones technology from the United States during Parrikar’s visit to the US.The meeting will also cover bilateral talks about the progress of the Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) and Jet Engine Technology. India’s request for unmanned aircraft Predator for maritime domain awareness will also be the important agenda.
According to Mr. Aghi “overall, U.S. industry continues to be very bullish on the economic opportunities in India,”. “…while industry is often anxious to see reforms passed quickly, industry also recognizes and respects the fact that India is a robust democracy where any reform most be a consensus-driven process. American industry is buoyed by the passage of the GST, a bankruptcy and arbitration code, and the real estate bill. Issues that were earlier insurmountable are now back on the table and being tackled through consistent dialogues,”
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