“Thank you so much sir, Means a lot! No matter what the future holds for me I would like to say it was a great experience at CAVALIER INDIA. Thanking all the assessors for their efforts in guidance and putting trust in all of us who attended the sessions”…. Your’s sincerely, Swati.
Encouraging notes and SMS’s flow in daily at the CAVALIER INDIA offices located in the country which in turn motivates not only fresh aspirants for the Defence Forces but to the painstaking TEAM too! They believe an investment in the lives of youth is well worth the sacrifices made in the class room and outdoors. The time spent with the candidates not only builds up trust and confidence in themselves but also a healthy competition while at the SSB centers. It is a well known fact that some candidates who do not make it in the merit have done outstanding in the Corporate world having trained at CAVALIER INDIA and an exposure at the SSB under the watchful eyes of a Psychologist, GTO and Interviewing Officer (IO) …. Which brings out a Candidates ‘PERSONALITY’, albeit facing future challenges…. Confidently.
(Training Faculty, Cavalier India)
(Training Faculty, Cavalier India)
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