One often comes across the adage “with power comes responsibility especially for responsible citizenship!”
‘Leadership’with Politicians are to uphold the above quotation but in Military Leadership the adage becomes more apt when the said statement includes ‘ACCOUNTABILITY’. Yes! recent incidents at ‘URI’, Border incursions and accidents have had heads rolled, at every opportune with Officers under scrutiny or enquiry. One wonders how many Bureaucrats, Ministers or policy makers have resigned or were sacked on moral grounds or principles or held accountable while in respective chairs.
Every year we celebrate Independence Day and the Republic day with gusto, pomp and pageantry, but never on this day any official steps up to commit himself in serving the people or accepts accountability; rather they are serving themselves ‘fat as fat can be! Rather more of lip service and false statements / assurances.
The youth today is well aware of happenings around and soon realize their responsibility as responsible citizens and make politicians and bureaucrats down on their knees in accountability.
Accountabilityfor ones action and responsibility towards the citizens is an aspect the ‘youth’ desires and the first place is public service, institutions and in personal life. Where can one find all three above, but serving the nation in the Armed forces. The Cavalier India team invites them, all through the year, in training and an awareness of ones Duty towards the Nation as respomsible citizens upholding the Constitutions.
(Training Faculty, Cavalier India)
(Training Faculty, Cavalier India)
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