BRICS SUMMIT-2017, was held at the Xiamen city, China, attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Diplomats, from 3rd to 5th September. The previous summit was held at Goa. (India) in 2016 while the first BRICS summit in 2006 as a Foreign Ministers Meeting.
BRICS- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is a consortium of Nations coordinating policies and implementation on issues ranging from Economy, Trade Security, since 20 with a round robin chairmanship at each other’s State. In this highly important summit of over decade some of the Highlights of leaders Declaration signed and Top form Achievements for India are enumerated in the following.
Ø The Theme : ‘Stronger partnership for a Brighter future!
Ø Endeavour to build on achievements already made
Ø Desire for Peace, Security Development and co-operation, the over arching objective
Ø Fostering BRICS Spirit as a valuable asset.
Ø Cooperation with emerging markets and developing countries [EMDCs]
Ø Satisfaction in establishing and strengthening the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)
Ø Progress in earlier summits held in Ufa and Goa, strategic partnership agenda and issues
Ø Energize practical co operation in market inter-linkages, infrastructure and financial integration with non-BRICS countries and BRICS plus Cooperation
Ø Improving Global governance for equitable international economic order, redressal of north-south development imbalances and promoting growth.
Ø Emphasis on fairness and justice to safeguard International and Regional Peace and Stability, based on U.N role and charter and international law / principles.
Ø Embrace cultural diversity and promote people-to- people exchanges.
Ø Caliberate and communicate practical macro economic co operation initiatives in priority areas of trade and investment, manufacturing, minerals processing Infrastructure Connectivity, ICT etc.
Ø Setting up of BRICS E-Port Network for establishing BRICS E-Commerce working Group and International Import EXPO in 2018, to be hosted by China
Ø Possibility of establishing a new PPP ( project preparation fund) and promote development of BRICS Local currency Bond markets.
Ø Improve International standards of Combating Money laundering and financing of Terroris in and proliferation in FATF (…in safeguarding integrity of financial systems)
Ø Highlight importance of innovation as a key driver for mid and long term economic growth and support implementation of the BRICS Innovation Co-operation Action Plan 2017-2020
Ø Enhancement of BRICS R&D in ICT infrastructure including ‘Internet of Things’, Nanotechnology etc
Ø Commitment to fully implementing 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development including Green financing/ development of low carbon economic and environmental issues
Ø Agricultural development and food security issues and establishment in India of a Co-ordination centre of BRICS Agriculture Research Platform
Ø Concern over the challenge faced by the African continent in wildlife conservation and implementation of programs under Agenda 2063.
Ø Support the efforts of the negative impact of corruption on sustainable development and BRICS anti corruption, legal instruments, through the BRICS Anticorruption working Groups Addressing challenges posed and opportunities, through Digital economy for Global Growth.
Ø Establishment of a working group of Regional Aviation.
Ø Progress in Human Resources, employment and Social Security Challenges
Ø Importance of Competition Protection and identification of restrictive business practices
Ø Progress made by Customs Administration in trade facilitation, Security and enforcement including CMA Agreement
Ø Outer Space for Peaceful purposes and international Cooperation in Space activites.
Ø BRICS Joint Task force for Disaster management.
Ø Cooperation in Audit, statistics and export credit fields,
Ø Promote implementation of the World Bank Group Share holding Review
Ø Establishment of the NDB Africa Regional centre
Ø Commitment to the implementation of the outcomes of G-20 Summit
Ø Commitment to achieving a fair and modern Global Tax System.
Ø Commitment to international Peace and security and non interference in other countries internal affairs
Ø Common understanding on Global Governance, Counter Terrorism, Energy security, ICTS and National Security development including setting up of an elaborate BRICS Intelligence forum
Ø Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs / International Relations in Beijing on the
margins of UNGA.
Ø Re affirms Commitment to the United Nations as the Universal Organization
Ø China and Russia reiterate the importance of Brazil, India and South Africa, for inclusion in the Security Council [ UNSC ]
Ø De-escalation of Syria crisis
Ø Support concern of Iraq’s fight against Terrorism, situation in Yemen and current diplomatic
crisis in the Gulf region.
Ø Strongly deplored nuclear Test conducted by DPRK
Ø Support to the Joint Comprehensive plan of Action (JCROA) on the Iranian Nuclear issue.
Ø Commend the efforts of African countries in addressing regional issues.
Ø Strongly condemned terrorist attack of Afghan Nationals and support to Afghan led Peace and National re conciliation.
Ø Deplore all terrorist attacks world wide including attacks and violence in BRICS Countries by
ISIL, Taliban/LeT/JEM/ALQAIDA and Islamic movement ; and value the 2nd BRICS counter- Terrorism Working Group meeting .
Ø Recognitions of BRICS Countries contribution to UN Peace keeping operation.
Ø Addressing world drug problems, World Human Rights violation and need for Protection of Human Rights and freedom.
Ø Global Security challenges in the area of International migration
Ø BRICS role in Global health Governance
Ø Exploration in Ocean and deep sea strategy.
Ø Promoting a long term and balanced demographic Development on Population related matters
Ø .Progress in the exchanges of Media Think- tank, Trade Union, Youth Parliament and Institutional development.
Ø Strengthening Mutually Beneficial Cooperation for Common Development in Promoting BRICS plus Cooperation
The next BRICS Summit is scheduled in 2018, in South Africa
(Training Faculty Cavalier India)
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