Fourteen years after the makeshift Ram Lalla temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya was attacked allegedly by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a special court in Allahabad on Tuesday convicted four of the five accused and sentenced them to life imprisonment. The fifth accused in the attack was acquitted for lack of evidence.
The court also imposed a fine of Rs 60,000 each on Irfan, Mohammad Shakeel, Mohammad Naseem and Asif Iqbal alias Farookh. The fifth accused, Mohammad Aziz, was acquitted.
All the convicts are lodged in the Naini Central Jail here and have been sentenced for murder and attempted murder. Special judge Dinesh Chand heard the case in the Naini jail itself.
UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath welcomed the verdict but said that legal opinion would be sought regarding the one acquittal.
On July 2, 2005, a joint team of CRPF and UP Police personnel had killed five LeT terroristsat the Ayodhya site, in a two-hour long gunfight. Two civilians were killed and seven CRPF jawans were injured. Police had seized one RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade launcher, five AK-56 assault rifles, five M1911 pistols and several M67 grenades. All five attackers were said to be from Pakistan.
District government counsel (criminal) Gulab Chandra Agrahri, who represented the prosecution in the matter, told TOI that a total of 63 witnesses were examined by the court through video-conferencing from the Naini jail.
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The court also imposed a fine of Rs 60,000 each on Irfan, Mohammad Shakeel, Mohammad Naseem and Asif Iqbal alias Farookh. The fifth accused, Mohammad Aziz, was acquitted.
All the convicts are lodged in the Naini Central Jail here and have been sentenced for murder and attempted murder. Special judge Dinesh Chand heard the case in the Naini jail itself.
UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath welcomed the verdict but said that legal opinion would be sought regarding the one acquittal.
On July 2, 2005, a joint team of CRPF and UP Police personnel had killed five LeT terroristsat the Ayodhya site, in a two-hour long gunfight. Two civilians were killed and seven CRPF jawans were injured. Police had seized one RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade launcher, five AK-56 assault rifles, five M1911 pistols and several M67 grenades. All five attackers were said to be from Pakistan.
District government counsel (criminal) Gulab Chandra Agrahri, who represented the prosecution in the matter, told TOI that a total of 63 witnesses were examined by the court through video-conferencing from the Naini jail.
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