Vice Admiral R Hari Kumar on Sunday took charge as the Flag Officer Commanding-In-Chief of Western Naval Command (WNC) from C Ajit Kumar in a ceremony at the Command Post of Headquarters, Western Naval Command, Mumbai. Vice Admiral R Hari Kumar on Sunday took charge as the Flag Officer Commanding-In-Chief of Western Naval Command Vice Admiral Ajit Kumar retired after four decades of service in the Indian Navy. The outgoing and incoming Commanders-in-Chief were accorded a Guard of Honour after which the handing over of the baton to the new Commander-in-Chief took place. On assuming command, Vice Admiral Hari Kumar laid a wreath at the Gaurav Stambh monument. "Vice Admiral R Hari Kumar, an alumnus of the National Defence Academy was commissioned into the Indian Navy on January 1, 1983. He specialised in Gunnery and has commanded five ships including a Destroyer and the aircraft carrier INS Viraat," stated an official statement from the Navy. "He has held important staff a...
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